Heavy, painful periods, extremely painful periods, Painful periods, breast pain before period, breast pain after a period, lower back pain before period, back pain before period.
Most period pains are a normal part of the menstrual cycle
and can usually be treated at home.
Natural, made by herbs with no side effect
and easy to use, our period pain relief help you get rid
of the cramps forever!
Painful periods, painful period, dysmenorrhea, Pain before period, pain during the period.
Painful periods also called dysmenorrhea, period pain, menstrual cramps, menstrual colic, please refer to What is a Period.
Usually, painful periods pain can occur at a different location, different timing: breast pain before period, breast pain after a period, lower back pain before period, back pain before period,
lower back pain during period, stomach pain during periods.
Painful periods can be a different level, some just slightly pain
where as others may have heavy painful periods
and in some cases extremely painful periods.
Natural herbal period pain relief pad is the best choice for painful periods
Period pain relief is absorbed from body's acupuncture point,
stick to your navel or one inch above the navel or one inch below your
navel. Therefore, there is no need to eat or drink horrible
tasting medicines.
It is made by herbs and plants using
natural remedies that have no side effects
and do no harm to your body.
Fast effect, stick after 5 minutes, your pain will disappear.
It will not only relieve your pain but make you feel comfortable
and happier.
Long term effect, after using one or two periods, the pain will never bother you
Save your money, two periods only $55, it can get rid of period pain forever, another painkiller you need use time to time, never end.
No resistance, if, after one year or two years, you work too much during periods, or other reason period pain come back again, you can use it again, it will help you feel comfortable while
periods again.